NWT Softball is dedicated to providing an opportunity for young athletes to participate in Softball while learning and striving for success in a safe, healthy environment. We are proud to promote our sport through youth softball programs such as Timbits Softball or through the Long Term Player Development framework in various communities across the North.

Current NWT Softball Minor Ball Affiliates as of 2019-20
Hay River Minor Ball
Inuvik Minor Softball
Yellowknife Minor Fastball
Timbits Softball
Timbits Softball is a revolutionary way of introducing the sport of Softball to children. Activities are included which foster the involvement of ALL players, including players with high and low skill levels. The child will experience excitement, enjoyment and success. Activities and lead-up games are patterned after informal playground games that promise an hour of FUN and LOTS OF ACTION. Participants will go home at the end of the day happy and tired, while improving their fitness level.
Timbits Softball Makes Learning Fun!
The Timbits Softball program is designed to be a young person’s introduction to the sport of Softball. The emphasis is on FUN, ACTION, and a POSITIVE ATMOSPHERE, with a gradual introduction to non- stressful competition. Timbits Softball provides children aged 5-10 with maximum opportunity to practice the skills necessary to successfully take part in the (adult) game of Softball. Timbits Softball allows children of all skill levels to achieve the same number of skills repetitions. The drills also offer a high success rate for every child, which improves every player’s self confidence.
Coaching has never been this easy!
Timbits Softball is also designed to be easily administered. Traditionally, at the 5-10 year old level, coaches are Moms and Dads with little or no coaching experience. Timbits Softball is designed to be easily implemented by a volunteer coach! The Timbits Softball Manual contains: lesson plans, easy to follow instructions, a letter to parents about the program, progressions for teaching basic skills, and lead up games.
Long Term Player Development
Softball Canada has taken Sport for Life’s generic LTAD model and created a softball-specific version called Softball’s Long-Term Player Development (LTPD) model using a combination of recent sport-science research and best practices. NWT Softball has worked with Softball Canada’s LTPD model to help identify optimal training, competition and recovery principles and practices for our players through all of their athletic stages. The LTPD model recognizes there are two distinct streams in softball – the lifelong recreational sport and the elite competitive arena – and it is designed to promote and support players in both.
Promoting excellence alongside recreation is important. Our hope is that by following Softball Canada’s LTPD model, we will help ensure that players registered with NWT Softball will develop the physical literacy necessary to enjoy softball, and sport in general for a lifetime. The LTPD model also informs coaches, players, and parents about key developmental concepts and practices at each stage in the development pathway. It addresses the physical, technical/tactical, mental, emotional, cognitive and social needs of the player as they pass through each stage of development.